Jeff McClain, Director, Tax & Econo
mic Policy
One of the most recent additions to the team, Jeff joined the Ohio Chamber staff in October of 2016. Before the Ohio Chamber of Commerce, he served as Ohio State Representative for the 87th District (09-16) and the Wyandot County Auditor (82-08). Jeff received is BBA -Accounting from Tiffin University.
Jeff and his wife Barb are the proud parents of three adult children and their spouses, Riordan & Sarah McClain, Mallory & Chad Guined and Mackenzie & Matt Wysong. They are also blessed with 7 grandchildren: Norah, Harlow, Hudson, Makaria, Fiona, Arwen & Vienna.
10 Random Questions for Jeff:
1. Do you have any pets? Yes, a yellow Labrador Retriever named Reesie
2. Where did you grow up? Born & raised (and still reside) in Upper Sandusky, Ohio
3. Who is your hero? I have two: My Dad & John Wayne
4. What do you do when you are not working? I spend time with my grandchildren
5. What is your favorite quote? “People will forget what you said, they will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou
6. What 2 books do you consider a MUST READ for everyone? the Bible and In the Grip of Grace by Max Lucado
7. Where is your favorite place to dine out? The Steer Barn in Upper Sandusky, Ohio
8. Where is your favorite place to vacation? Whitefish Falls, Ontario Canada
9. Name 3 of your favorite sports teams. The Ohio State University Buckeyes, the Cincinnati Reds and whatever team my children and/or grandchildren are playing on.
10. Career Highlights: Being a good husband, dad and grandpa
As Director, Tax & Economic Policy Jeff is responsible for all Tax Committee Activities at the Ohio Chamber of Commerce. To contact Jeff, email him at [email protected] or call (614) 228.4201. You can also visit his professional profile on Linkedin and follow him on twitter @JeffMcClainOhio