When Senate President Larry Obhof (R-Medina) gaveled in the 132nd General Assembly in January, he challenged his caucus to “pick a law that isn’t working as intended and try to repeal it or reduce its scope”. Instead of just passing new laws and adding to the Ohio Revised Code, President Obhof and his colleagues want to take steps to reduce the size of Ohio’s laws.
As the state’s leading business advocate and resource, the Ohio Chamber of Commerce knows all too well that burdensome laws and regulations can damage a state’s economic competitiveness and inhibit the ability of companies to put Ohioans to work. That’s why Sen. Obhof has also reached out to us, asking us to gather recommendations from Ohio Chamber members.
For this reason we have set up an action alert on the Ohio Chamber website where you can share a law or regulation that you think should be repealed. Click here to make your voice heard.