On June 12, the Ohio Chamber of Commerce Political Action Committee (OCCPAC) announced its endorsements of Justice Mary DeGenaro and Judge Craig Baldwin.
“During her tenure on the Supreme Court and the Seventh District Court of Appeals , Justice Mary DeGenaro has demonstrated a strong commitment to interpreting laws and applying them as written, rather than legislating from the bench,” said Andrew E. Doehrel, President and CEO of the Ohio Chamber. “That commitment is critical for having a fair and predictable legal environment in Ohio, and we are pleased to endorse her.”

Prior to being appointed to the Ohio Supreme Court on January 28, 2018, Justice DeGenaro served 17 years on the Seventh District Court of Appeals. Justice DeGenaro is running to keep her seat that was vacated due to the early retirement of Justice William O’Neill.
Judge Craig Baldwin is running for the open seat created by the upcoming retirement of Justice Terrence O’Donnell. “Judge Baldwin’s judicial philosophy is consistent with the Ohio Chamber’s longstanding preference for candidates who do not attempt to legislate from the bench” said Doehrel. “We are proud to endorse Judge Baldwin who will seek to bring consistency to the judicial process.”

Judge Baldwin currently sits on the Fifth District Court of Appeals having been appointed in 2013 and elected in 2014 and 2016. Prior to that he served on the Licking County Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations Division. Judge Baldwin has also spent decades as an attorney in private practice, representing small business owners, among others.
To view the official press release, click here.