Ohio is battling opioid misuse in communities across our state. It’s important we work together to address this crisis. And there are many ways you can help.
By properly securing and disposing of unused medications, everyone can help reduce access to medicines that become dangerous when used in ways other than intended and prescribed.
October 26 is National Prescription Takeback Day – a great time to get rid of unused medications. If you can’t get to a disposal site or you prefer to dispose of medications at home, visit the Rx Abuse Leadership Initiative Ohio (RALI ) of Ohio site to learn about safe disposal methods.
RALI is bringing together community leaders dedicated to addressing opioid misuse to find solutions and share ideas. RALI Ohio remains committed to supporting communities and families to be safer with their prescription medications. Take Back Day is just one of the ways you can help. Stopping addiction before it starts is essential as we continue to combat this crisis. Learn more here: https://www.ralioh.org/take-back-day
Another valuable resource to use is the Ohio Chamber’s Opioid Toolkit. With the help and expertise of a member company, Working Partners®, and financial support from member company, Anthem, we have developed the Opioid Toolkit containing several resources free of charge to any company that is doing business in Ohio.
The toolkit includes a free 5-module course along with several free additional PDF resources, including how to navigate CBD questions as well as information on how the opioid epidemic is impacting business in Ohio.

The Opioid Toolkit and resources can be found here.