The Ohio Chamber recently hired a few new employees. One of them being Justin Zink. Justin is now a Director of External Relations. He most recently worked as a partner at JEZ Consulting where he advised political and corporate clients through complex public relations, crisis communications and media relations campaigns to ensure positive results. His career has given him extensive work experience in public relations, government relations, campaign management, grassroots campaigns, issue campaigns, public policy and strategic communications.
Justin’s favorite place in Ohio is 1st Energy Stadium (The Cleveland Browns’ Stadium). He is a dedicated Browns fan and enjoys going to games. In his free time, Justin enjoys spending time with his friends and family. Lately, he has been busy caring for Percy, his new goldendoodle puppy.

10 Random Questions for Justin
- Do you have any pets? Yes, a 9-week-old GoldenDoodle named Percy
- Where did you grow up? Canton, Ohio (Jackson Township)
- What (3) websites do you visit most? ESPN, Drudge Report & The Cleveland Plain Dealer
- Who is your hero? Both my parents
- If you could have dinner with (2) people – living or dead, who would they be? Winston Churchill & President George H.W. Bush
- What do you think has been the most significant change in society during your lifetime? Technology and its impact not only in the way we communicate but also the way we behave and live our day-to-day lives.
- Where is your favorite place to vacation? Key West
- Name (3) of your favorite sports teams. Browns, Cavs, Indians
- Favorite part of your current job? The people and the mission of the Ohio Chamber
- Are you afraid of anything? Heights